Results for 'Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira'

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  1.  44
    Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  2.  48
    METODOLOGIA E MANEJO REPRODUTIVO APLICADO EM BOVINOS LEITEIROS.Bruna Cardoso Lemes, Gabriel Destefani de Souza, Jaqueline Aparecida Sousa Pereira, Jéssica Elizei Dande, Marcelo de Figueiredo Filiardi Filho, Vinícius de Moura Ribeiro Monticeli & Elizângela Guedes - 2022 - Revista Agroveterinária Do Sul de Minas 4 (1):153-172.
    Resumo: Sabe-se que a pecuária é uma parcela do agronegócio que move a economia do país, e incluso está a produção leiteira, que tem, a cada ano seu desenvolvimento elevado, de forma em que é priorizado a eficiência no aumento de sua produção, com o objetivo de suprir a demanda, e a maior rentabilidade do produtor. Diante disso, medidas de manejo reprodutivo e alimentar são adotadas, sendo estas capazes de elevar a produtividade com o menor custo possível. O trabalho objetivou (...)
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  3. Aristotle and the Enlightenment in the History of Science: possible relationship?Adílio José Marques & André Vinicius Dias Senra - 2022 - Research, Society and Development 11 (6):e35811629299.
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  4. Del posmodernismo al poscolonialismo: ¿solución al caso latinoamericano?José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - Docencia, Revista de Educación y Cultura 4 (9):49-52..
    Después de varios años bajo los efectos del boom del posmodernismo, en la década de los 90 la intelectualidad latinoamericana comenzó а recibir uп nuevo paquete de propuestas teóricas reunidas en torno al concepto “poscolonialidad”. Bajo el iпflujo de las teorías poscoloniales у los estudios subalternos se crea oficialmente en los Estados Unidos en 1994 el Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos (Latin American Subaltern Studies Gгoup). А el pertenecían intelectuales como Walter Mignolo, John Beverley, Alberto Moreiras, Ileana Rodríguez у Norma (...)
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  5. Del posmodernismo al poscolonialismo: ¿solución al caso latinoamericano?José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1999 - Dialectica (Misc) 23 (32):100-108.
    Después de varios años bajo los efectos del boom del posmodernismo, en la década de los 90 la intelectualidad latinoamericana comenzó а recibir uп nuevo paquete de propuestas teóricas reunidas en torno al concepto “poscolonialidad”. Bajo el iпflujo de las teorías poscoloniales у los estudios subalternos se crea oficialmente en los Estados Unidos en 1994 el Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos (Latin American Subaltern Studies Gгoup). А el pertenecían intelectuales como Walter Mignolo, John Beverley, Alberto Moreiras, Ileana Rodríguez у Norma (...)
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  6. Between ‘Indubitably Certain’ and ‘Quite Detrimental’ to Philosophy: Kant on the Guise of the Good Thesis.Vinicius Carvalho - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (4):537-553.
    Kant clearly endorses some version of the ‘old formula of the schools’, according to which all volition is sub ratione boni. There has been a debate whether he holds this only for morally good actions. I argue that a closer look at the distinction between the good and the agreeable does not support this conclusion. Considering Kant’s account of the detrimental and the correct use of this thesis, I argue that rational beings always will sub ratione boni, even when they (...)
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  7.  94
    Por um Pluralismo de Estratégias nas Ciências Cognitivas.Vinicius Rodrigues & Claudio Reis - 2020 - Revista Perspectiva Filosófica 46 (2):53-70.
    Como área interdisciplinar, as Ciências Cognitivas começam a se desenvolver em meados da década de 1950 a partir de uma concepção compartilhada sobre a mente, hoje chamada de cognitivista. Esses pesquisadores concebiam a mente com uma natureza representacional que opera por meio de computações simbólicas. Atualmente, há uma multiplicidade de abordagens e teorias sobre a mente. Nesse espectro de posições, há desde abordagens tradicionais, que concebem a mente como representacional, até abordagens bastante radicais, que negam qualquer natureza representacional para a (...)
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  8. Entre o conhecer e o deixar ser - uma abertura para a epistemologia do amor.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Érico Andrade - 2022 - Em Construção 1 (12):137-156.
    Neste artigo propomos uma reconceitualização do amor como um modo de engajamento intersubjetivo normativamente guiado pela busca constante do equilíbrio entre a sub- e a sobredeterminação de seu objeto, que se efetiva em relações deconfiança marcadas pelo cuidado com o(a) outro(a). Esta reconceitualização permite que o amor participe da epistemologia como uma virtude intelectual responsabilista, que nos torna membros mais confiáveis de nossas comunidades epistêmicas e nos aproxima de descrições verdadeiras sobre o mundo, ao deixar que diversos pontos de vista (...)
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  9. A atualidade como questão: ontologia do presente em Michel Foucault / The actuality as a question: ontology of present in Michel Foucault.Furtado Rafael Nogueira - 2015 - Natureza Humana 17 (1):144-156.
    This paper aims to evidence the meaning of “ontology of present”, a concept elaborated by Michel Foucault, and intends to elucidate the philosopher’s idea that subjectivity is historically formed. The context of the concept’s emergence will be analyzed, considering Foucault’s studies on the ancient greco-roman moral, in which he discuss the role of liberty and autonomy in the development of citizens. To the philosopher, the ontology of present consists in a critic of the domination and subjugation mechanisms, produced by disciplinary (...)
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  10. Emoções e construção social: ainda há lugar para o socioconstrutivismo na filosofia das emoções?Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Sabrina Ferreira - 2023 - Sofia 12 (2):e12243351.
    Na década de 1980, um programa de pesquisa se popularizou no campo da filosofia e psicologia das emoções. Esse programa, denominado construcionismo social, afirmava que emoções eram produtos de fatores sociais e não poderiam ser compreendidas em um vocabulário adaptacionista. No entanto, ao longo do tempo essas teorias perderam grande parte de sua força e popularidade, e praticamente desapareceram da filosofia das emoções contemporânea. O objetivo do presente artigo será diagnosticar esse predicamento, e perguntar se o construcionismo social ainda poderia (...)
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  11.  91
    Thomas Reid’s Moderate Reply to Skepticism.Vinícius França Freitas - 2022 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 49 (154):365.
    The paper states a hypothesis concerning Thomas Reid's moderation in his reply to skepticism. It is initially argued that commonsense beliefs, though due to reliable faculties, are doubtful, fallible, and correctable. They are not completely immune to skeptical attack. It is further argued that Reid intends to reply only to one form of skepticism, the partial one – the skepticism of authors who accept at least one mental faculty as a reliable source of knowledge. Reid does not intend to argue (...)
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  12. Fearful Object Seeing.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (3):627-644.
    What is it like to perceive a feared object? According to a popular neo-Gibsonian theory in psychology, fear biases our perceptions of objects so as to encourage particular kinds of actions: when we are afraid, spiders may be perceived as physically closer than they are in order to promote fleeing. Firestone mounted severe criticisms against this view, arguing that these cases are better explained by non-perceptual biases that operate on accurate perceptions of the external environment. In this paper I will (...)
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  13. Biases in Niche Construction.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Joel Krueger - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology:1-31.
    Niche construction theory highlights the active role of organisms in modifying their environment. A subset of these modifications is the developmental niche, which concerns ecological, epistemic, social and symbolic legacies inherited by organisms as resources that scaffold their developmental processes. Since in this theory development is a situated process that takes place in a culturally structured environment, we may reasonably ask if implicit cultural biases may, in some cases, be responsible for maladaptive developmental niches. In this paper we wish to (...)
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  14. Thomas Reid’s objection to Locke’s Theory of personal identity.Vinícius França Freitas - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (1):147-164.
    The paper aims to present two distinct ways of defending John Locke’s theory of personal identity from Thomas Reid’s objection. First, it will be argued that this objection is not effective since it starts from a misunderstanding of Locke’s theory. The identity of a person is not preserved by the psychological continuity of consciousness, as Reid understood it, but by its ontological continuity: the existence of the same consciousness preserves the personal identity. Secondly, it will be argued that it is (...)
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  15. Seeing Qualitons as Qualia: A Dialogue with Wittgenstein on Private Experience, Sense Data and the Ontology of Mind.Hilan Bensusan & Eros Moreira De Carvalho - 2013 - Papers of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium.
    In this paper we put forward the thesis that qualia are tropes (or qualitons), and not (universal) properties. Further, we maintain that Wittgenstein hints in this direction. We also find in Wittgenstein elements of an account of language acquisition that takes the presence of qualia as an enabling condition. We conclude by pointing out some difficulties of this view.
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  16. An Enactive-Ecological Approach to Information and Uncertainty.Eros Moreira de Carvalho & Giovanni Rolla - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11 (Enaction and Ecological Psycholo):1-11.
    Information is a central notion for cognitive sciences and neurosciences, but there is no agreement on what it means for a cognitive system to acquire information about its surroundings. In this paper, we approximate three influential views on information: the one at play in ecological psychology, which is sometimes called information for action; the notion of information as covariance as developed by some enactivists, and the idea of information as minimization of uncertainty as presented by Shannon. Our main thesis is (...)
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  17.  65
    Trabalhos Recentes Sobre o Desafio da Ausência de Experiência Intuicional (2nd edition).Vinícius Rodrigues - 2023 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 14 (2):1-24.
    Alguns filósofos alegam que intuições são experiências não-sensórias (BENGSON, 2015; CHUDNOFF, 2011, 2013; KOKSVIK, 2020). Há algo como sentir uma intuição e isso é particular e único a esse estado mental. No entanto, alguns questionam essa experiência a partir da perspectiva de primeira pessoa: eles alegam não ter nenhuma experiência do tipo. Como resolver isso? John Bengson, Elijah Chudnoff e Ole Koksvik alegam que esses que afirmam não terem a experiência intuicional estão a procurando de maneira errada no seu fluxo (...)
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  18. O sujeito discursivizado como empresa no Youtube: trabalho e condições (digitais) de produção.Guilherme Adorno & Luciana Nogueira - 2023 - Leitura 76 (1):313-329.
    Essa pesquisa elege como material específico de análise uma sequência de cursos oferecidos pelo “YouTube Academy” para a criação, gerenciamento e divulgação de uma empresa associada à plataforma de vídeos do YouTube. O objetivo é investigar os modos de imbricação e/ou separação entre o sujeito e a empresa. Para construir os procedimentos analíticos, delimitamos as seguintes perguntas: Como as formas imaginárias do sujeito (o “eu”, a identidade e a individualidade) estão relacionadas com a criação e o funcionamento de uma empresa (...)
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  19. David Hume’s skepticism in Thomas Reid’s reading.Vinícius França Freitas - forthcoming - Filosofia Unisinos:1-15.
    The paper advances the hypothesis that, in Thomas Reid's reading, David Hume's skepticism of the Treatise on Human Nature is not solely due to his acceptance of the ‘ideal hypothesis’ – the principle according to which ideas are the immediate objects of the mental operations –, but it has another source, namely, that doubt on the reliability of the faculties of the senses, memory, and reason. Moreover, the paper argues that the suggested distinction between two roots for Hume’s skepticism allows (...)
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  20. Solipcism in George Berkeley's Philosophy.Vinícius França Freitas - 2021 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 23 (2):88-116.
    The paper advances the hypothesis that George Berkeley's philosophy does not overcome solipsism. In order to do this, it presents four difficulties on his arguments for other existences: (I) the argument about the existence of an external cause for sensitive ideas faces the difficulty of not eliminating the possibility that the mind itself is the cause of these ideas; (II) the argument present in the Dialogues to prove the existence of God is circular: it presupposes the existence of objects distinct (...)
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  21. Consciousness and Reflection in John Locke’s Essay.Vinícius França Freitas - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):84-100.
    The paper discusses the notions of ‘consciousness’ and ‘reflection’ in John Locke’s Essay on the Human Understanding. It attempts to present two criteria by means of which it would be possible to distinguish between these mental activities. Firstly, consciousness is a passive, involuntary activity and does not depend on attention to be exerted, unlike reflection, which is, at least in one of its degrees – since Locke conceives the existence of two degrees of reflection –, an active, voluntary, and attentive (...)
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  22.  91
    Thomas Reid's Science of Politics.Vinicius França Freitas - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):39-61.
    The paper covers the discussion of three aspects of Thomas Reid’s political thought. Initially, it presents and discusses Reid’s understanding of Politics. Secondly, it is argued that, unlike the first principles of other branches of knowledge, such as Mathematics, Philosophy of Mind and Morals, the first principles of Politics are not the first principles of common sense. Politics is founded on a form of empirical knowledge that cannot be identified with common sense, with the judgments and beliefs due to the (...)
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    Autogestão, autoempreendedorismo, infotrabalho, trabalho intermitente, criptomoeda, uberização, proletariado de serviços e servidão digital delineiam uma série de designações indicativas das mudanças das condições de (re)produção do Capital nas suas formas contemporâneas. Grandes corporações como Google, Facebook e Amazon participam desse processo tanto no eixo da infraestrutura econômica, quanto na produção discursiva que sustenta ideologicamente as relações de trabalho determinadas pelo Aparelho Digital. Essa pesquisa elege como material específico de análise uma sequência de cursos oferecidos pelo “YouTube Academy” para a criação, (...)
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  24. The Notion of ‘Common Sense’ in Thomas Reid.Vinícius França Freitas - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1).
    The paper aims to discuss the notion of ‘common sense’ in Thomas Reid’s philosophy. It presents two hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that the common sense that Reid uses in philosophical matters is nothing but the set of original principles of the mind that determine human beings in regard to their notions, beliefs and inclinations, as well as the judgments and beliefs that are due to these principles. The second hypothesis states that Reid understands a kind of ‘developed common sense’, (...)
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  25.  98
    Pode o entendimento ser obtido por sorte?Vinicius Rodrigues - 2022 - In Brandon Jahel Rosa, Eduardo Alves & Taís Regina Chiodelli (eds.), XXII Semana Acadêmica do PPG-Filosofia PUCRS: Filosofia Contemporânea I Vol. II. Editora Fundação Fênix. pp. 121-137.
    Filósofos como Jonathan Kvanvig (2003) e Duncan Pritchard (2010) tem argumentado que o entendimento é um estado epistêmico distinto do conhecimento com base no argumento da sorte epistêmica. Eles alegam que dado que o entendimento é compatível com sorte epistêmica e o conhecimento não, então esses estados epistêmicos são distintos. Com base nos autores Christoph Kelp (2017) e Kenneth Boyd (2018), será argumentado que esse argumento não é o suficiente para mostrar que o entendimento e conhecimento são estados epistêmicos distintos. (...)
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  26. David Hume on the Corporeal Dimension of the Self.Vinícius França - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (3):489-508.
    The paper advances the hypothesis that David Hume’s philosophy explains the corporeal dimension of the self, particularly, one’s belief in a body as being ‘her own body’, as a part of one’s self, in light of three different perspectives: through the operations of the imagination, the associative principles and the perception of mental and physical parallel states; through the occurrence of certain passions in the mind, particularly, pride, humility, and self-interest which direct one’s attention to a body that is felt (...)
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  27.  82
    Pode o Vício Epistêmico ser Benéfico para o Sucesso Científico?Vinícius Rodrigues - 2018 - In Italo Alves, Gregory Gaboardi, Claiton Silva Costa, Darlan Lorenzetti, Fernando Silva Silva & Ricardo Luis Reiter (eds.), XVIII Semana Acadêmica do PPG em Filosofia da PUCRS. Volume 2. Editora Fi. pp. 191-203.
    Pode-se dizer que desde o início da ciência moderna muito se falou sobre virtudes teóricas tais como simplicidade, unificação, adequação empírica, fecundidade, coerência, etc., isto é, virtudes de uma boa teoria, mas pouco se falou das virtudes dos cientistas enquanto agentes. Todavia, hoje em dia, cada vez mais vem crescendo um interesse sobre qual é o papel das virtudes e dos vícios epistêmicos dos cientistas. Além de diversos artigos, já existem dois importantes livros os quais possuem diversos contribuidores: “Virtue Epistemology (...)
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  28. Delusion and Double Bookkeeping.José Eduardo Porcher - forthcoming - In Ema Sullivan Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion. Routledge.
    This chapter connects the phenomenon of double bookkeeping to two critical debates in the philosophy of delusion: one from the analytic tradition and one from the phenomenological tradition. First, I will show how the failure of action guidance on the part of some delusions suggests an argument to the standard view that delusions are beliefs (doxasticism about delusion) and how its proponents have countered it by ascribing behavioral inertia to avolition, emotional disturbances, or a failure of the surrounding environment in (...)
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  29. Modern Times: Law, Temporality and Happiness in Hobbes, Locke and Bentham.José Brunner - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):277-310.
    This Article shows how three modern English thinkers — Hobbes, Locke and Bentham — construe the law as an intersection of secular eternity on the one one hand and transience in modernity on the other, allowing for immovability and movement at the same time, combining stability with change. It details how these theorists, who undoubtedly have earned themselves places of honor in the canon of modern political thought, tried to solve the problem of self-grounding in three different and yet paradigmatically (...)
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  30. Retos axiológicos de un mundo desbocado (EDUCAP).José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2005 - In Educap (ed.), : Humanismo y Formación en valores: retos para América Latina. pp. 7-13.
    A partir del reto axiológico que presupone el hecho de que sea el propio ser humano el creador de los principales peligros que amenazan su supervivencia, tanto en sus efectos naturales como sociales, en el trabajo se argumenta por qué ello es indicador del extravío de los valores fundamentales que debe guiar el accionar humano y cómo el rescate de una confiable brújula axiológica debe partir por asumir a la vida como el criterio último de lo valioso.
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  31. Desarrollo de la capacidad valorativa. Predeterminación genética y condicionamiento socio-cultural.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2007 - In Epla Educap (ed.), Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje: Bases Neurales y Contexto Socio Cultural. pp. 145-159.
    El ensayo tiene como tema central el desarrollo de la capacidad valorativa y la participación que en este proceso tienen lo genético y lo sociocultural. Nos interesa mostrar las premisas biológicas generales de esa relación y enfatizar en la especificidad cualitativamente humana de su desarrollo, todo ello sobre todo desde el ángulo del vínculo entre las influencias genéticas y del medio y sus respectivos papeles en la determinación del desarrollo de aquella capacidad que a nivel humano identificamos como valoración. -/- (...)
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  32. Para além das oposições binárias: Oposicionalidade, afetabilidade e subjetividade negra radical em bell hooks.Vinícius Rodrigues Costa da Silva & Wanderson Flor Do Nascimento - 2022 - Abatirá - Revista de Ciências Humanas e Linguagens 3 (5):380-402.
    This article theorizes the relationship between three fundamental categories for bell hooks' formulations regarding cultural critique and subjectivity - keeping in mind that hooks' thought establishes a fractal system - oppositionality, affectability and radical black subjectivity. From this, we establish the main objective of this text: to think with hooks about the importance of the positionality of the body (subject) in the construction of knowledge and of itself, from its capacity to be affected (affectability) and to affect people, as being (...)
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  33. Goodman e o projeto de uma definição construtiva de “indução válida”.Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (3):439-460.
    In Fact, Fiction and Forecast, Nelson Goodman claims that the problem of justifying induction is not something over and above the problem of describing valid induction. Such claim, besides suggesting his commitment to the collapse of the distinction between the context of description and the context of justification, seems to open the possibility that the new riddle of induction could be addressed empirically. Discoveries about psychological preferences for projecting certain classes of objects could function as a criterion for determining which (...)
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  34. An ecological approach to disjunctivism.Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Radical Views on Cognition):285–306.
    In this paper I claim that perceptual discriminatory skills rely on a suitable type of environment as an enabling condition for their exercise. This is because of the constitutive connection between environment and perceptual discriminatory skills, inasmuch as such connection is construed from an ecological approach. The exercise of a discriminatory skill yields knowledge of affordances of objects, properties, or events in the surrounding environment. This is practical knowledge in the first-person perspective. An organism learns to perceive an object by (...)
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  35. Socially extending the mind through social affordances.Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2019 - In Steven Gouveia & Manuel Curado (eds.), Automata's Inner Movie: Science and Philosophy of Mind. Wilmington, Deleware, United States: Vernon Press. pp. 193-212.
    The extended mind thesis claims that at least some cognitive processes extend beyond the organism’s brain in that they are constituted by the organism’s actions on its surrounding environment. A more radical move would be to claim that social actions performed by the organism could at least constitute some of its mental processes. This can be called the socially extended mind thesis. Based on the notion of affordance as developed in the ecological psychology tradition, I defend the position that perception (...)
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  36. Extrapolações da metáfora raiz de Stephen C. Pepper e o conhecimento científico.Douglas Antonio Bassani & Vinicius Siqueira - 2023 - In Revista Sofia. pp. 1-12.
    Esta pesquisa procura investigar o conceito de metáfora raiz na concepção de Stephen C. Pepper a partir de sua obra World Hypotheses (1942) e de artigos relacionados. Além disso, extrapolar o conceito de metáfora raiz a partir de uma possível interlocução com o trabalho filosófico do conhecimento científico de George Lakoff e Mark Johnson, particularmente em Metaphors we live by (1980) e artigos relacionados. Considerando estes objetivos, foi abordado sobre o conceito de metáfora em Stephen C. Pepper, George Lakoff e (...)
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  37. Kuhn e a racionalidade da escolha científica.Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (3):439-458.
    In this paper, I try to articulate and clarify the role of the epistemic authority of experts in Kuhn’s explanation for the transition process between rival paradigms in the scientific revolutionary period. If science progresses, that process should contribute to the attainment of the cognitive aim of science, namely, the articulation of paradigms increasingly successful at the resolution of problems. It is hard to see that process as rational and as attaining the cognitive aim of science without the consideration of (...)
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  38. AI Extenders: The Ethical and Societal Implications of Humans Cognitively Extended by AI.Jose Hernandez-Orallo & Karina Vold - 2019 - In Jose Hernandez-Orallo & Karina Vold (eds.), Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM. pp. 507-513.
    Humans and AI systems are usually portrayed as separate sys- tems that we need to align in values and goals. However, there is a great deal of AI technology found in non-autonomous systems that are used as cognitive tools by humans. Under the extended mind thesis, the functional contributions of these tools become as essential to our cognition as our brains. But AI can take cognitive extension towards totally new capabil- ities, posing new philosophical, ethical and technical chal- lenges. To (...)
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  39. Narratologia cognitiva: dinâmicas afetivas e estruturação do enredo ficcional à luz de teorias da afetividade situada.Pedro Ramos Dolabela Chagas, Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Ayla Mello Batistela - 2022 - Eutomia 1 (32):19-37.
    O propósito deste artigo é aprofundar o debate da narratalogia cognitiva sobre o papel das emoções e afetos na escrita e leitura do texto ficcional. Para tanto, buscamos fundamentos teóricos em teorias recentes da afetividade situada, em particular nos conceitos de andaimes, arranjos e milieus afetivos, a fim de observar como textos codificam afetos para suscitar estados afetivos e emocionais nos leitores. O mérito da interlocução virá da capacidade de fertilizar a compreensão do papel das emoções na construção de textos (...)
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  40. The Concept of Color as a Grammar Problem in Wittgenstein's Perspective of Language.Luca Nogueira Igansi - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (1):121-139.
    This essay aims to provide conceptual tools for the understanding of Wittgenstein’s theory of color as a grammar problem instead of a phenomenological or purely scientific one. From an introduction of his understanding of meaning in his early and late life, his notion of grammar will be analyzed to understand his rebuttal of scientific and phenomenological discourse as a proper means for dealing with the problem of color through his critique of Goethe. Then Wittgenstein’s take on color will become clear (...)
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  41. FILOSOFIA NA CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO BRASILEIRA: análise de artigos científicos na BRAPCI entre 1972 e 2018.Diego Andres Salcedo, Vinicius Accioly Bezerra & Marcílio Cruz - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 6 (2):6-21.
    Assume que o estudo da produção científica pode oferecer entendimento sobre os temas abordados, tendências da comunidade, autores mais citados, indicação de maturação da área e consolidação ou silenciamento da área. Tem como objetivo mapear como a Filosofia está contida na Ciência da Informação brasileira. Coleta os dados dos artigos científicos publicados entre 1972 e 2018 na Coleção de Publicações Brasileiras em Ciência da Informação - BRAPCI. Analisa uma amostra de 300 artigos e deriva algumas questões descritivas. Conclui que a (...)
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  42. A Note on the Dynamics of Psychiatric Classification.José Eduardo Porcher - 2014 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):27-47.
    The question of how psychiatric classifications are made up and to what they refer has attracted the attention of philosophers in recent years. In this paper, I review the claims of authors who discuss psychiatric classification in terms referring both to the philosophical tradition of natural kinds and to the sociological tradition of social constructionism — especially those of Ian Hacking and his critics. I examine both the ontological and the social aspects of what it means for something to be (...)
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  43. Resolving the Gettier Problem in the Smith Case: The Donnellan Linguistic Approach.Joseph Martin M. Jose & Mabaquiao Jr - 2018 - Kritike 12 (2):108-125.
    In this paper, we contend that the “Smith case” in Gettier’s attempt to refute the justified true belief (JTB) account of knowledge does not work. This is because the said case fails to satisfy the truth condition, and thus is not a case of JTB at all. We demonstrate this claim using the framework of Donnellan’s distinction between the referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions. Accordingly, the truth value of Smith’s proposition “The man who will get the job has (...)
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  44. A natural negation completion of Urquhart's many-valued logic C.José M. Mendez & Francisco Salto - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (1):75-84.
    Etude de l'extension par la negation semi-intuitionniste de la logique positive des propositions appelee logique C, developpee par A. Urquhart afin de definir une semantique relationnelle valable pour la logique des valeurs infinies de Lukasiewicz (Lw). Evitant les axiomes de contraction et de reduction propres a la logique classique de Dummett, l'A. propose une semantique de type Routley-Meyer pour le systeme d'Urquhart (CI) en tant que celle-la ne fournit que des theories consistantes pour la completude de celui-ci.
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  45. On the Physical Problem of Spatial Dimensions: An Alternative Procedure to Stability Arguments.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 1987 - Fundamenta Scientiae 8 (1):73-91.
    Why is space 3-dimensional? The fi rst answer to this question, entirely based on Physics, was given by Ehrenfest, in 1917, who showed that the stability requirement for n-dimensional two-body planetary system very strongly constrains space dimensionality, favouring 3-d. This kind of approach will be generically called "stability postulate" throughout this paper and was shown by Tangherlini, in 1963, to be still valid in the framework of general relativity as well as for quantum mechanical hydrogen atom, giving the same constraint (...)
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  46. Objetividade Ética e a Morte da Ontologia em Putnam.Luca Nogueira Igansi - 2020 - Cognitio 21 (2):246-259.
    Rastrearemos a refutação da necessidade de fundamentos ontológicos para teorias éticas de Putnam analisando sua trajetória por autores como Quine, Moore e Wittgenstein. Partiremos do naturalismo epistemológico de Quine para estabelecer sua base coerentista pragmática. Então, investigaremos seu distanciamento da ontologia conforme sua perspectiva wittgensteiniana do conceitualismo mooreano e platônico. Caracterizando Heidegger como alvo primário de sua crítica a uma necessidade de ontologia, afasta-se mesmo de Quine ao abraçar uma relatividade conceitual inspirada na mereologia e em jogos de linguagem para (...)
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  47. Affective affordances: Direct perception meets affectivity.Eros Moreira de Carvalho - 2022 - Perspectiva Filosófica 49 (5):19-51.
    In this paper, I explore and examine different ways in which affectivity is related to perception within ecological psychology. I assess whether some of those ways compromise the realist and direct aspects of traditional ecological perception. I sustain that they don’t. Affectivity, at least in some cases, turns the perception of fine-grained affordances possible. For an engaged perceiver, affectivity is not optional.
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  48. Para un estudio de la democracia como valor político de las sociedad cubana.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2004 - In Luis R. López Bombino (ed.), Por una nueva ética. La Habana, Cuba: pp. 104-109.
    El trabajo aborda el tema de la democracia desde una perspectiva axiológica, tratándola como valor político. Aunque se singulariza el análisis para el caso de la sociedad cubana, el texto desarrolla ideas metodológicas aplicables al estudio de la democracia como valor en otras sociedades. A diferencia de otros estudios sobre el tema, el presente trabajo aplica al estudio de la democracia una concepción pluridimensional de los valores, buscando delimitar el contenido del valor democracia en las dimensiones instituida, subjetiva y objetiva. (...)
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  49. How shallow is fear? Deepening the waters of emotion with a social/externalist account.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology (4):725-733.
    In The Deep History of Ourselves, Joseph LeDoux distinguishes between behavioral and physiological responses caused by the activation of defense circuits, and the emotion of fear. Although the former is found in nearly all bilateral animals, the latter is supposedly a unique human adaptation that requires language, reflective self-awareness, among other cognitive capacities. In this picture, fear is an autonoetic conscious experience that happens when defense circuit activation is integrated into self-awareness and the experience labeled with the “fear” concept. In (...)
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  50. Qualia Qua Qualitons: Mental Qualities as Abstract Particulars.Hilan Bensusan & Eros Moreira De Carvalho - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (2):155-163.
    In this paper we advocate the thesis that qualia are tropes (or qualitons), and not (universal) properties. The main advantage of the thesis is that we can accept both the Wittgensteinian and Sellarsian assault on the given and the claim that only subjective and private states can do justice to the qualitative character of experience. We hint that if we take qualia to be tropes, we dissolve the problem of inverted qualia. We develop an account of sensory concept acquisition that (...)
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